Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Beauty and Humanity

"Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be."Psalm 139:16

In the beginning, before time began, God had a dream. This dream was a very, very beautiful thing. This dream was creative in every single aspect. This dream was worth so much to God, that God would invest thousands of years into nurturing it. Finally, when tensions rose, and this dream seemed to be at stake, the only option to assure the dream’s fulfillment was that He Himself had to die in order to keep it alive; and He did just that, He suffered a horrible, gruesome death on a cross. For those miserable 6 hours on that cross, He had that same dream in mind every single second of it, and soon, this dream would be the last thought that He had on His mind as He closed His eyes for the very last time. After this, He was buried in a dark, empty, lonely tomb. Now the Bible doesn’t say anything about what God was thinking while He was in the tomb, but I can imagine that, if God could have a ‘bad day’, it’d be during those three days while He was in the tomb. This broke His heart, because while God saw that sin had been paid for through this act of atonement, and that the dream was now possible, He also saw His dream failing to taking full effect. Those who closely followed Jesus were now weeping in bitter anguish because they thought this dream had turned into a nightmare. However, this dream was so desirable to God, that He couldn’t stand to be away from it for longer than a few days... so He rose from the dead just to enjoy His dream’s fulfillment. The dream was still alive! And ever since that pivotal day 2,000 years ago, God has intimately cared for, provided for, and defended this dream so that it could flourish and be brought to fruition. God loves this dream SO much!

So... this dream is both beautiful and creative. It is worthy, desirable, and enjoyable. And not only did this dream possess these wonderful qualities, it also existed in eternity, even before time began, even before you began! It is a wonderful thing. And if you haven’t figured out by now, I want to tell you, that YOU were in that dream! God always wanted a daughter, always wanted a son, always wanted a child just like you! You are beautiful, you are creative, you are worthy, you are desirable, you are enjoyable. And contrary to what the world may say, you are worth it, in every single way.

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